Monday, February 16, 2009

Questionaire Results!

Sue has kindly tallied the results from the questionaire that was sent out after our first meeting. 

Thank You to the 22 members who took time to fill out the questionaire!
Below are the posted totals..

Info Sessions

How to use Treasuries                           8   (38%)  - 3rd session
Shop design, setup & critiques             15  (71%)  - 2nd session
Using Google Analytics                         10  (48%)  - 3rd session
How to take Great Pictures                  14  (67%)  - 2nd session
Learning to Blog, Twitter, Facebook   11  (52%)  - 4th session
Creating Great Shop Promos                17  (81%)  - 1st session
Best Etsy Selling Tips                             16  (76%)  - 1st session

Join in the Show???

Yes, I'd love too!                                      16  (76%)  - Most of us, so that's great!
I'm not sure                                               4   (19%)
No, I'd rather not                                      1     (5%)

Have Team tags??

Yes, definitely!                                         14  (67%)  - looks like cnyetsyteam
I don't know what that means                 7   (33%)

For those of you who aren't familiar with 'team tags', when you post an item on Etsy, you chose 14 'tags' to describe the places you want your piece to go, IE- children, plush, animal, blue, etc. or jewelry, silver, gold, ruby, etc...A team tag is using one of those spaces, and typing in your team name, ours is cnyetsyteam. That way, when someone makes a treasury, or wants to search our teams work, they will come up to be selected or looked at.

Best Place to host the group

Would Like to stay at Ning, I'm already set up        4 (19%)
Prefer Google Groups                                                   1   (5%)
Like Flickr the Best                                                        0 (0%)
Prefer to use Etsy Team Threads                                 3 (14%)
Don't have a preference                                                16 (76%)

 - Most don't have a preference so, maybe we will stay with ning, the blog and if someone would like to manage a weekly etsy thread for our group, that would be fine too..

More Great Ideas members had are-

Use cnyetsyteam as team tag for treasuries, etc.
Willing to set up a field trip or exploration of places and spaces
Occasional groups meetings at the etsy virtual labs (shop critiques in the virtual labs).
Some sort of criteria to maintain membership in the group
Using Swap-Bot
Having Area captains to find ops and events in specific areas, IE Utica/New Hartford, Norwich, Syracuse, etc.
Monthly workshops to learn another's craft

7 people marked they are willing to design a banner idea/s. I will email you directly, and remind you of the deadlines, etc. Thank you all for offering your time!!

Thanks again for everyone's participation in this. I will look over who wants to help with the Etsy workshops, email them and start to plan accordingly! I will also update you all on info about our Upcoming first show & sale in the spring!!

Sue from Ecoleeko

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for compiling the results. It will be interesting and exciting to see where this all leads!
