Monday, February 9, 2009

Banner and Button Submissions

As noted before, we will be holding a vote for the CNY Etsy Team Blog banner and button (aka avatar) design.
Anyone who is interested is encouraged to submit designs to Caroline at by February 17th.
Voting will be held here on the blog after that, and the blog will be updated shortly thereafter! 


  1. I won't lie, sometimes I am absolutely daft, what are the required dimensions in pixels?

  2. It says where I would upload the banner that the image needs to be 660 pixels wide, but it does not say the specific height (I do not know why.) I also looked in the help section, and could not find anything. So I figured as long as the image you submit is roughly a rectangle, like the size of your Etsy banner (760x100 pixels) I can make any adjustments later.
    Thanks for asking, it was a great question!

  3. I have been thinking about the idea that was tossed around about using all the logos of the group in the header. I am not sure if that is what any of you creative folks are considering but my concern is that it would leave out any one else who might join in the future. And that it would CRAZY busy. Maybe something that represents upstate new york crafters in general. Of course I have no idea what that is!!! These are just ideas...I am sure what ever we come up with will be great.

  4. Patti: I can see what you are saying. I cant wait to see all the submissions!
