Friday, August 7, 2009

Feature Friday: Minty Fresh Fusions

The Feature Friday series is back after a short hiatus! This week's featured artist is Jen from Minty Fresh Fusions. She is quite the experienced Etsian, and has owned a total of 7 shops!! She is celebrating two years of selling on Etsy this month! Right now she is focusing on fused glass, and she makes stunning work. Check out her interview for more!

First and foremost, what is it that you make/sell?

I make fused glass jewelry and housewares.

What do you most enjoy about your craft?

I think the thing I enjoy most is opening the kiln. There's a pretty commonly repeated phrase about it being like opening presents at Xmas, and it's so true. That and getting to know some of my customers and hearing they're happy, especially when working with people's custom fused photograph pieces.

How has your experience on Etsy been?

My experience on Etsy has been wonderful, I joined 2 years ago in July and started selling 2 years ago this month.

What would you like to see from the CNY Etsy Group in the future?

I think I'd like to see the group get together more informally, a few people for coffee of whatever comes up, but then again my 2 year old always keeps me from participating in much, so I don't know if I'd make it to do much. I had fun at the 4th of July show and look forward to more team shows, definitely!

Check out Jen's shop here:

Minty Fresh Fusions